Curia Hot Springs



At the beginning of the 20th century, the Curia area was still a depopulated area, consisting of agricultural fields, furrowed by small streams. The name Curia arose from the fact that, in the area, traditional linen curing was carried out , which led to the site becoming known as Curaria, a word that, with use, will have contracted for Curia.

However, other explanations are provided, including the possibility for the population to seek the waters for the treatment of certain ailments, with the Curaria coming from the verified Cures.

To know more

The Natural Mineral Water Termas da Curia

It has a sulphated, calcium and magnesium ionic composition.

In the hydrothermal source, the water temperature is 19ºC, with a pH of 7.2 and the total mineralization is hypersaline (+ -1900mg / L).